Powershell Replace 2 Spaces with 0 Spaces Accross Directory -

PowerHail question.

I need a command that replace with ^ 2 (empty space between 2 cap) and it is ^^ (no space between cap).

Sample data: 123456 ^ 100.00 ^ 10/14/2013 ^ ^ Columbus ^

Want to get results: 123456 ^ 100.00 ^ 10/14/2013 ^^^ Columbus ^

I would like to find this execution in all the files in a set directory and replace it like, C: \ SampleDirectory *. *

Any help you can provide people will be greatly appreciated.

$ string = "12456 ^ 100.00 ^ 10142013 ^ ^ ^ Columbus"

$ string -replace "\ ^ \ s \ s \ ^ \ ^", "^^^"

to do this in all files Just loop a child and a forearm ... although I do not know how to get a file name slash in it.
