attributerouting - What class to overload to add domain parameter to ASP.NET MVC 5.1 Attribute Routing (multitenant mvc app) -

Text after "

I am originally a MVC project that has separate application answers for more than one domain: - - etc. < / P>

To maximize the mvc 5.1 properties of the meter, in order to handle the domain name at the routing announcement level, I can look at my class controller in such a way that if:

[RoutePrefix (domain = "", prefix = "account")]

I Do not think that one of you The Ikon can overload the MapMvcAttributeRoutes root Klekshnattivitiurtingakstenshn class to add your domain parameters. In ASP.NET MVC, MapMvcAttributeRoutes when you want to use have been added to extend the method Properties routing like below:

  public static Void register routs (routes collection route) {routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes (); // ....}  

MapMvcAttributeRoutes method in RouteCollectionAttributeRoutingExtensions Class:

  public static class RouteCollectionAttributeRoutingExtensions {public static void MapMvcAttributeRoutes (this RouteCollection routes); Public static zero MapMvcAttributeRoutes (this route collection route, IInlineConstraintResolver constraintResolver); }  

RouteCollectionAttributeRoutingExtensions class MapMvcAttributeRoutes methods High type, you can not inherit the class Also, you can not even overload the methods.
