data not pass using ajax after onclick -

I am trying to remove an element from the database. I do not know why, but I did not get the data url. This code is (obj is really faded - only in the client side):

  $ (document) .on ("click", "#deleteAdmin", function (e) {$ .jax ({Url: "admin / adminProccess.php", type: "get", data: $ ('# idPriv: check'). Serialize () + '& amp; str =' + 'deleteAdmin', success: function (Data) {$ ('# idPriv: check') Each (function () {$ (this) .Parent (). Remove ();}); var item = $ (deleteAdmin); Items Fade Out ();}});});  

Is there anything wrong with my code? When I'm trying to access the URL manually, I can see some results - but not sending this data with my code.

Any thoughts?

Edit: This is my idPriv:

  & lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "idPriv []" id = "idPriv" onclick = "evaluateIT (this)" related to data-item = "adminPanelShow" value = "& pht $ value [" id "] . ':'. $ Count;? & Gt; " / & Gt; Try changing:  

  $ ( ' 
  $ (' # idPriv: check '). Serialize () +' & amp; str = '+' deleteAdmin ' 

check') . Val () + '& amp; Str = '+ deleteAdmin'
