I have a code that filters the rows that I get from the database query. It works fine but It does not show the rows. Start with a special character like "Ç, Ş, Ö, Ü" .. If I write Dar in the input field, it will list Daria, Daryan, Darco, Dartal but if I write the head in the input field, it will not show anything. How can I fix this code in this code? Thank you ..
var $ lines = $ ('# table tr'); $ ('# Search') keyboard (function () {var val = '^ (? =. * \\ b' + $ .trim ($ (this) .val ()). Partition (/ \ s + /) ('\\ b.) (? =. * \\ b') + '). * $', Reg = RegExp (Val, 'I'), text; $ lines Show. (). Filter (function ) {Text = $ (this) .text (). Replace (/ \ s + / g, ''); Return! Reg.test (text);}) Hide ();});
Try it out: "text / html; charset = utf-8"
in your page header or in your answer.
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