panel not working in all pages using JQuery Mobile -

Hi friends, I am new to jQuery mobile and trying to know things by creating a website using Jake Mobile . The problem is being used to show navigation on my page, but when I jump to another page that is in the same HTML file, the job stops, I do not know what is the problem solving Need your help for . Work on the home page panel works fine but when I click on the page about us, we jump there but the panel stops working

Please help me .. Thanks in advance ..)

If you want to access the same panels from any page, > Data-roll = "page" must be placed outside the panel div, and then you have to start it manually. This is called an external panel .

  & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "panel" id = "foo" data-theme = "a" & gt; & Lt ;! - content - & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - Here page - & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt;  

Note that an external panel does not automatically receive the subject, thus, you have to add the data-theme attribute for it

.enhanceWithin () is to increase all the widget inside the function panel. They are not themselves initial, so they need to get started.

  $ (function () {$ ("[data-role = panel]"). Incrementin (). Panel ();});  

After the JQM library, keep that code head.
