java - Tomcat7 Stack Size is to small -

I am running Tomcat 7 on Ubuntu 12.04, just happy, then I applied security updates for Ubuntu and now Tomcat will not start Error is happening in catalina.out

  Specified stack size is too small, specify at least 228k Error: Java Virtual Machine could not be created. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. The program will exit  

I have made some strollers and whatever I have found is that the value of JMM's XSS value has been set higher.

I have updated the JAVA_OPS value in / etc / default / tomcat7

  JAVA_OPTS = "- Djava.awt.headless = true -Xss1024k -Xms512m -Xmx1024m - XX: + UseConcMarkSweepGC " 

but I'm still getting the error.

How do I raise piles for Tomcat 7?

I want to set JAVA_OPTS in a startup script so it is easy to configure

< Pre> #! / Bin / Bash export JAVA_OPTS = "$ JAVA_OPTS -Dajava.protocol.handler.pkgs = com.rwsol.util.protocol" export JAVA_OPTS = "$ JAVA_OPTS -Xss2m-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX: Maksprimsijhn = 256 M" Export JAVA_HOME = "/ System / Library / Java / Java Virtual Matchbox / 1.6.0.JDK / Content / Home" echo "startup $ JAVA_OPTS" sh #start server

Then I can use several to configure each project that I want to start.

BTW, these scripts have my values ​​
