dynamics ax 2012 - Records from table not showing and not edible in AxGridView -

Let's say that I get to show AxGridView records from a table and create AxGrivView, edit and able to remove Want to A record, is there a good tutorial to accomplish this?


I will try and explain what I did: I is a dataset:

For example with these properties. TrvExpParm_cars:

In my user control this code is:

  & gt; Dynamics: X-column ID = "top-right" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Mobility: AxMultiSection id = "AxMultiSection1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Mobility: xxad id = "x1" runat = "server" caption = "my biller" extended = "true" & gt; & Lt; Mobility: AxDataSource id = "dsEPTrvExpParm_cars" runat = "server" dataset name = "EPTRvExpParm" Pradatadrishy = "Trviksparm" & gt; & Lt; / Mobility: AxDataSource & gt; & Lt; Mobility: AxGridView id = "AxGridView_cars" runat = "server" allowDelete = "true" to allow Denadit = "right" allow Denpejing = "false" Bodihait = "" Datakinem name = "Rikaid" Detamember = "Trviaksppimacars" datasets Kasingki = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Datasource ID =" DsEPTrvExpParm_cars "enabled ModelValidation =" True "& gt; & Lt; Columns & gt; & Lt; Mobility: AxBoundField DataField = "Name" Dataset = "EPTrvExpParm" Dataset = "TrvExpParm_cars" Sorted Expression = "Name" & gt; & Lt; / Mobility: AxBoundField & gt; & Lt; Mobility: AxBoundField DataField = "LicensePlate" Dataset = "EPTrvExpParm" Dataset = "TrvExpParm_cars" Sorted Expression = "Licenseplate" & gt; & Lt; / Mobility: AxBoundField & gt; & Lt; / Column & gt; & Lt; / Mobility: AxGridView & gt; & Lt; / Mobility: AxSection & gt; & Lt; / Mobility: AxMultiSection & gt; & Lt; / Mobility: AxColumn & gt;  

What I get is an empty grid:

Image description here

Table EPRrvExpParm_cars has two fields with 2 records:

I do not know why I can not see the data from the table. What are some features that I need to set up or some custom code is required? Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Portal Cookbook, custom code should not be needed, but it's just a "relationship between the cookbook"

Update TrvExpParm and TrvExpParm_cars It is:

Enter image details here

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What is the relationship between your TrvExpParm and TrvExpParm_cars ?

The way your data source is defined TrvExpParm data provider (providerview), so it is a look for TrvExpParm record (first) and will When connected TrvExpParm_cars record as trying to choose the gridview are TrvExpParm_cars as DataSetView .
