jmx - MBean equivalent for JBoss 7 -

Is there any way to create MBEN and disclose it in the management interface of Zebus 7?

I may have an idea of ​​making a bean with @ signleton and @named annotation, but I want to be able to read my features And its operations like Jebos 4, 5, 6.

Thank you. JBoss 7 (Not sure which dot version actually), JBoss specific JMX implementation has been completely removed. Therefore the platform is the only option for using MBeanServer. I was very disappointed when I came to know that the awesome Jabos Jmx console has gone. But there is no other option, I am using jconsole to look at my MBN features and call in any way.

This will give you a very good start when writing standard platform ambience
