I did a quick view using Magento 1.7 in product list (list.phtml) The disabled product option block is that it is similar to product page (selection, radio button, selection multiple, etc.). Can anyone help me?
* Sorry for my bad english
I've tried put the view.phtml code, but it does not work. I have also tried some of the tutorials that I have found, but have been changed to choose all the options, but I need to get the whole block.
... & lt ;? Php if (! $ This -> hasOptions ()): & gt; & Lt; Div class = "add-to-box" & gt; & Lt ;? Php if ($ _product- & gt; sableable ()):? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ this- & gt; Get edit HTML ('addtocart')? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php if ($ - this-> Assistant ('wish list') -> islo () || $ _computer = $ this-> subsidiary ('catalog / product_compare') -> getAddUrl ($ _ Product)) :? & Gt; & Lt; Span class = "or" & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ this- & gt; __ ('or')? & Gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt ;? Php endif; ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php endif; ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ this- & gt; Mill-Child HTML ('ado')? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;? Php endif; ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ this- & gt; GetChildHtml ('other') ;? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php if ($ _product- & gt; isableable () & amp; $ this-> hasopation ()):? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ this- & gt; GetChildChildHtml ('container1', '', true, is true)? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php endif ;? & Gt; ...
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