c# - IronPython import two enums with the same name -

Why IronPython allows two names to be imported with the same names by different names, for example:

ESS.MS.Framework.UIG.Mask imports from System.Windows * from

Enum WindowState with both different members Import

It seems that sometime IronPython pick the right enum and do not take some time. Very confusing ... (IronPhoton 2.7.4)


You should define a nickname:

  from the system Import window as windowstate, as ESS.AMS Framework.UIG.mask import windowstate windowstate2  

or for entire module

  Import system. Import Module 1 as ESS.MS.Framework.UIG.Mask Module2 // ... Module1.WindowState Module2.WindowState  

Choose a better alias of the PS course < / P>
