drupal 7 - Triggering Ajax onchange on a select list -

I am working on a Drupal project which is using the editable field module.

Using that module to highlight a dropdown list of text options, it just works great you click on the list, select an option and the option is updated through Ajax. .

My challenge is that I am trying to change options to program through jQuery. Using the following code:

  choose jQuery ('# edit-field-condition -0-field-status-und') Val (1);  

... My browser is happy with console area code but Ajax does not update. I tried:

  jQuery ('select # edit-field-condition -0-field-status-und'). Val (1) .change ();  

There are no errors again but the Ajax event has not yet been executed.

  $ ('# edit field-position-0-area-condition- und') Val ("1") .;  

It would be like a trick, because its only reason is that it is your selected values ​​as strings instead of your numbers.

Alternatively the following is more detailed:

  $ ('# edit-field-status-0-field-status-und-option'). Eq (1) Sahara ('selected', true);  

This is not an 'AJX' function, it is only updating DOM to a special element for JQF.
