I have a JPN (and I have also tried a jettext) that I would like to read on this
I generally get two of these rules to work, but for working in all three times, I have tried HTML tags, JLabels, JTextAreas, but no one Any suggestions do not even satisfy all the conditions?
Fixed JTextArea quesLbl; QuesLbl = new JTextArea (""); QuesLbl.setWrapStyleWord (true); QuesLbl.setLineWrap (right); QuesLbl.setEditable (wrong); QuesLbl.setFont (qFont); QuesLbl.setOpaque (true); QuesLbl.setForeground (Color.WHITE); QuesLbl.setBackground (Color.BLUE);
This code is the word written in the resulting word, and the font is working, but not centered.
You think that horizontally centered, I use a JTextPane
I would recommend I did not test, but I hope that setting up your font will work properly. For the center, see, I'm referring to the answer:
public JTextPane createTextPane (string text) {JTextPane textPane = new JTextPane (); Tp.setText (text); StyledDocument doc = textPane.getStyledDocument (); SimpleAttributeSet Center = New SimpleAttributeSet (); StyleConstants.setAlignment (center, style resolution. ALIGN_CENTER); Doc.setParagraphAttributes (0, doc.getLength (), Center, False); +}
IIRC word wrap should come free. Hope it helps, if not, clarify the question.
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