python - add new role to the same cloud service on azure -

I have tried to add another role, which has another role, but failed output is shown as XML :

  & lt; Roline & gt; Ahmed-Sate3441 & lt; / RoleName & gt; & Lt; RoleType & gt; PersistentVMRole & lt; / RoleType & gt; & Lt; ConfigurationSets & gt; & Lt; ConfigurationSet & gt; & Lt; ConfigurationSetType & gt; LinuxProvisioningConfiguration & lt; / ConfigurationSetType & gt; & Lt; Hostname & gt; Ahmed-Sate3441 & lt; / Hostname & gt; & Lt; Username & gt; Ehpcuser & lt; / Username & gt; & Lt; DisableSshPasswordAuthentication & gt; True & lt; / DisableSshPasswordAuthentication & gt; & Lt; SSH & gt; & Lt; PublicKeys & gt; & Lt; PublicKey & gt; & Lt; Fingerprint & gt; MyFingerPrint & lt; / Fingerprint & gt; & Lt; Path & gt; /home/ehpcuser/ehpcazure/keys/mycert.cer< / Path & gt; & Lt; / PublicKey & gt; & Lt; / PublicKeys & gt; & Lt; KeyPairs & gt; & Lt; / KeyPairs & gt; & Lt; / SSH & gt; & Lt; / ConfigurationSet & gt; & Lt; ConfigurationSet & gt; & Lt; ConfigurationSetType & gt; NetworkConfiguration & lt; / ConfigurationSetType & gt; & Lt; InputEndpoints & gt; & Lt; InputEndpoint & gt; & Lt; LocalPort & gt; 80 & lt; / LocalPort & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Http & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Port & gt; 80 & lt; / Port & gt; & Lt; Protocol & gt; TCP & lt; / Protocols & lt; EnableDirectServerReturn & gt; Wrong & lt; / EnableDirectServerReturn & gt; & Lt; / InputEndpoint & gt; & Lt; InputEndpoint & gt; & Lt; LocalPort & gt; 5000 & lt; / LocalPort & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; XML & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Port & gt; 5000 & lt; / Port & gt; & Lt; Protocol & gt; TCP & lt; / Protocol & gt; & Lt; EnableDirectServerReturn & gt; False & lt; / EnableDirectServerReturn & gt; & Lt; / InputEndpoint & gt; & Lt; InputEndpoint & gt; & Lt; LocalPort & gt; 22 & lt; / LocalPort & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; SSH0 & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Port & gt; 22200 & lt; / Port & gt; & Lt; Protocol & gt; TCP & lt; / Protocol & gt; & Lt; EnableDirectServerReturn & gt; False & lt; / EnableDirectServerReturn & gt; & Lt; / InputEndpoint & gt; & Lt; / InputEndpoints & gt; & Lt; SubnetNames & gt; & Lt; / SubnetNames & gt; & Lt; / ConfigurationSet & gt; & Lt; / ConfigurationSets & gt; & Lt; OSVirtualHardDisk & gt; & Lt; MediaLink & gt; Http: //< / MediaLink & gt; & Lt; SourceImageName & gt; NFSIMAGE & lt; / SourceImageName & gt; & Lt; / OSVirtualHardDisk & gt; & Lt; RoleSize & gt; Small & lt; / RoleSize & gt;  

So I output to xml

  {'status': u'Failed', 'error': & lt; 0x150a510 & gt;, 'id': u '', 'http_status_code': u'400 '}  

on azure.servicemanagement.OperationError object I do not know that a new role in existing deployment This error is found by adding !! Someone could help me.

I had to face the same problem my fault was the harbor conflict; Make sure that port 80 and 5000 are not used by any other service.
