python - Install obspy in cygwin -

I am new to Sigwin and I am currently trying to install a module unstoppable in Python, but I have the following problems:

/ p>

  $ easy_install obspy-0.9.0-py2.6-win32.egg processing obspy-0.9.0-py2.6-win32.egg /usr/lib/python2.7/ Site-making package / obspy-0.9.0-py2.6-win32.egg being removed is obspy-0.9.0-py2.6-win32.egg is being easy to add obspy 0.9.0 / usr Installing the /lib/python2.7/site-packages install.pth file / usr / bin to the obspy-mseed-recordanalyzer script / usr / b in / usr / bin to obspy-dataless2xseed script installed Scans script obspy to have been installed / usr / bin obspy Installing obspy-reftek- Installing Rescue script -xseed2dataless script / usr / bin and / usr / in bin Obfi-Indekr script in the installation / usr / bin in Obfi-set print script / usr / bin to install Obfi-Rntest script / usr / bin to install Obfi-Detlses script / Usr / Script bin / pls / script / install / usr / install Opp-Mopd script bin / usr / lib / python2 .7 / site-packages / obspy-0.9.0-py2.6- win32.egg processing for Opp Dependence == 0.9.0 Search for OPPE == 0.9.0 Read Obza / Best Match: Obfie 0.9.0 Downloading /o/obspy/ processing Aprfi walk writing / TMP /easy_install-RFU4Qv/obspy-0.9.0/setup.cfg Obfi -0.9.0 / setup .py-b bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-RfU4Qv/obspy-0.9.0/egg-dist-tmp-FLCOHj Error: Setup Script Error Procedure of went out: extension does not match the names found are build / libtau_CYGWIN_NT-5.1_32bit_py27_INf 'libtau_CYGWIN_NT' offers but expected '1_32bit_py27'  

What really think I'm not a real problem And how to fix it. Someone may have some idea

I am running:

cygwin = 1.7.28 (0,271 / 5/3)

dragon = 2.7 3 (Default, December 18, 2012, 13:50:09) [GCC 4.5.3]


Obip has created a system-based extension name based on the value of platform.system () , which is equal to uname -s . On Sigwin, this example would be CYGWIN_NT-6.1 (based on version of Windows; -WOW64 also added for i686 signin on Windows X64). The point is that a Python module name can not contain a hyphen nor any dot (which is later a namespace indicator).

Therefore, you have to manually install it from the source after some modifications. I recommend using the platform.system () instead of sys.platform (which is just cygwin ), where this library name Used in replacement; There is no need to add some import system , where already import ed.

Once you do this, you will find that it is compiled due to libmseed contradictory typedefs. To fix || Need to add is defined in either obspy / mseed / src / libmseed / lmplatform.h for Linux or BSD conditionally defined (__CYGWIN __) .

I have made the full patch available.
