r - List of packages that need an update -

How can I prepare a list of packages that require an update, i.e. a table with package name I have tried install.packages () , update.packages () but currently I installed the version and version available on the repository

Am not able to implement tasks to produce the desired production.

Note that I do not not actually want to update these packages; I just want to see the list mentioned.

Take a look at the old pockets () . I have on my system:

  R> Old.packages () package LibPath installed Repository repository bnlearn "bnlearn" "/home/gavin/R/build/3.0-patched/library" "3.4" "3.0.2" "3.5" "http: // cran .ststudio .com / src / contrib "deldir" deldir "" /home/gavin/R/build/3.0-patched/library "" 0.1-4 "" 3.0.2 "" 0.1-5 "" http: // cran .ststudio .com / src / contrib "devtools" devtools "" /home/gavin/R/build/3.0-patched/library "" 1.3 "" 3.0.2 "" 1.4.1 "" http: //cran.rstudio .com / Src / contrib "digest" digest "" / home / gavin / r / build / 3.0-stationed / library "" 0.6.3 "" 3.0.2 "" 0.6.4 "" http: //cran.rstudio .com / Src / contrib "extrafont" extrafont "" /home/gavin/R/build/3.0-patched/library "" 0.15 "" 3.0.2 "" 0.16 "" http://cran.rstudio.com/src / Contrib "forecast" forecast "" / home / gay N / R / Build / 3.0-Deployed / Library "" 4.8 "" 3.0.2 "" 5.1 "" http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib "Foreign" Foreigner "/ home / gavin / R / Build / 3.0-patched / library "0.8-57" "3.0.2" "0.8-59" "http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib" matrix "matrix" "/ home / gavin / R / Build / 3.0-patched / library "1.1-0" "3.0.2" "1.1-2" "http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib" MatrixStats "MatrixStats" "/ home / gavin / R / Build / 3.0-patched / library "" 0.8.12 "" 3.0.2 "" 0.8.14 "" http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib "mgcv" mgcv "" / home / gavin / R / Build / 3.0-patched / library "1.7-27" "3.0.2" "1.7-28" "http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib" mvtnorm "mvtnorm" "/ home / gavin / R / Build / 3.0-patched / library "" 0.9-9996 "" 3.0.2 "" 0.9-9997 "" http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib "party" party "" / home / gavin / R / Bu Ild / 3.0-patched / library "1.0-11" "3.0.2" "1.0-13" "http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib" R.methods3 "R.methods3" "/ home / Gavin / r / build / 3.0-patched / library "" 1.5.2 "" 3.0.2 "" 1.6.1 "" http: //cran.ststudio com / src / contribution b "raster" raster "" / home / Gavin / R / Build / 3.0-Deployed / Library "" 2.2-5 "" 3.0.2 "" 2.2-12 "" http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib "RQP" RCPP "" / Home / Gavin / R / Build / 3.0-stationed / Library "" 0.10.6 "" 3.0.2 "" 0.11.0 "" http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib "RcppArmadillo" RcppArmadillo "" / home / Gavin / r / build / 3.0-patched / library "" 0.3.920.1 "" 3.0.2 "" "" http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib "rgl" rgl "" / home / Gavin / r / build / 3.0-patched / library "" 0.93.991 "" 3.0.2 "" 0.93.996 "" http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib "rpart" rpart "" /home/gavin/R/build/3.0-patched/library "" 4.1-3 "" 3.0.2 "" 4.1-5 "" http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib "scatterplot3d" scatterplot3d "" /home/gavin/R/build/3.0-patched/library "" 0.3-34 "" 3.0.2 "" 0.3-35 "" http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib "existence" existence "" /home/gavin/R/build/3.0-patched/library "" 2.37-4 "" 3.0.2 "" 2.37-7 "" http://cran.rstudio.com/src/ Contrib "  

For your specific requirements:

  R & gt; Old.packages () [, c ("Package", "Installed", "Reporter")] Package Installed Reports Bernelern "Burnlen" "3.4" "3.5" DropDear "Deldipper" "0.1-4" "0.1 -5 "Devotolos" Devtools "1.3" "Digest" Digest "" 0.6.3 "" 0.6.4 "Extra" Extra "" 0.15 "" 0.16 "Forecasting" Forecasting "" 4.8 "" 5.1 "Foreign" Alien "" 0.8 -57 "" 0.8-59 "matrix" matrix "" 1.1-0 "" 1.1-2 "matrixastats" matrixastats "" 0.8.12 "" 0.8.14 "mgcv" mgcv "" 1.7-27 "" 1.7-28 " MVTNorm "MVTNorm "" 0.9- 99 9 "Party" Party "" 1.0-11 "" 1.0-13 "RTS 3 "rmds3" "1.5.2" "1.6.1" raster "raster" 2.2-5 "" 2.2-12 "RCPP" "0.10.6" "0.11.0" RQPR Armidillo "RCPARMDMLLO" "0.3 .920.1 "" "RGL" RGL "" 0.93.9 9 1 "" 0.93.996 "RPART" RAPT "" 4.1-3 "" 4.1-5 "ScatterPlot 3D" ScatterPlot 3D "" 0.3-34 "" 0.3-35 "existence" existence "" 2.37-4 "" 2.37-7 " 
