VBA, LDAP - How to retrieve multiple values of an LDAP directory entry attribute using ADODB in VBA -
For the following LDAP entry:
Where = People Where = Europe O = Organization Com Unit = Department 123 Attribute 1 = value1 attribute2 = value2 attribute2 = value23 attribute2 = value123
I try to retrieve values for all three 'attribute2' attributes through the ADODB object I am using this in VBA, the LDAP URL string is:
"ldap: //server.com: 389 / ou = people, or = Europe, o = organisation.com & Gt;; (unit = * 123); attribute2 "
The result is only one of the attribute2 values in the record.
Do all the three values have to be withdrawn? Attribute2 'attributes, without assigning any part of the' attribute2 'attribute values?
The problem is resolved. ..
A record set returned by an ADO Connection string returns many values of all the attributes that are actually used, which have many values ... In this case the field value is just an array.
More info.
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