VBA, LDAP - How to retrieve multiple values of an LDAP directory entry attribute using ADODB in VBA -

For the following LDAP entry:

  Where = People Where = Europe O = Organization Com Unit = Department 123 Attribute 1 = value1 attribute2 = value2 attribute2 = value23 attribute2 = value123  

I try to retrieve values ​​for all three 'attribute2' attributes through the ADODB object I am using this in VBA, the LDAP URL string is:

  "ldap: //server.com: 389 / ou = people, or = Europe, o = organisation.com & Gt;; (unit = * 123); attribute2 " 

The result is only one of the attribute2 values ​​in the record.

Do all the three values ​​have to be withdrawn? Attribute2 'attributes, without assigning any part of the' attribute2 'attribute values?

The problem is resolved. ..

A record set returned by an ADO Connection string returns many values ​​of all the attributes that are actually used, which have many values ​​... In this case the field value is just an array.

More info.
