c++ - Qt 5 Mac toolbar woes -

I am trying to create a very simple toolbar in QMainWindow on a Mac, with QT 5.2.1, one Not even satisfaction I was still using QT 4.8 but I thought I would give QT5 a try.

Qt McActers question, I'm not getting the original toolbar class anymore except for the private headquarters. So I tried a simple QTbarbar.

I have a very basic and stupid toolbar:

  setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac (true); Toolbar_ = new qtable (this); Toolbar _- & gt; SetMovable (false); Toolbar _- & gt; SetFloatable (wrong); Toolbar _- & gt; AddAction ("h"); Toolbar _- & gt; AddAction ("W"); Toolbar _- & gt; AddSeparator (); Toolbar _- & gt; AddAction ("f");  

As you can see, well, this is not acceptable.

Is there a chance, in some mysterious and strange ways, that I have a good integrated, or better "basic form and experience" toolbar on Mac?


I do not have a Mac with me or else I will give it a quick test. I still wonder how many bugs are being reported for Mac. I found the article, which appears in the better-looking toolbar.
