mysql - Delphi XE5 FireDAC Error: Cannot load vendor library [libmysql.dll or libmysqld.dll] -

I am using Delphi XE5 on Windows 7 64bit and just trying to firehead component. I am using a TFDConnection component to connect to the local MySQL database (v5.6.15).

I have already put libmysql.dll (32 bit v5.6.15) in my project folder, EXE folder and C: \ Windows \ System32 folder (which is the path location), but when I use IDE I tried to connect to, I encountered an error:

The seller can not load the library [libmysql.dll or libmysqld.dll]. This system did not get the exact file Hint: This path or application is in the Exx directory and X86 is in BITT.

I have to face all those three folders libmysql.dll (64 bit v5.6.15), but still have to face the same error.

Do I miss something to connect to it? Thanks for the help.

  1. :
  2. To copy libmysql DLL: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Embarcadero \ RAD Studio \ 12.0 \ bin
