sql - Firebird2.5 Error: "duplicate value in unique index" without duplicate data -

Hello and thanks for reading and maybe even help me

Brief description of my problem:

I am copying data from one firebird-database to another (which is called V4) and I am using the Ibe Exercise to do this. The tables are equally named and have the same structure. For the purpose of being explained, I am going to call the table to enter the data in the old database A and the table, which should be said in B. B

So to do just one thing, take all the data from Table A. and put them in B To do this, there is a small piece of code:

  INSERT [V14]. Select BSMG * from BSMZ  
Error message found (moved after some lines):

Invalid invalid or updated value (s): Object columns are constrain - 2 table rows may have duplicate columns. Attempting to store duplicate values ​​(visible for active transactions) in unique index "UI_BSMZ"

This unique-index has 2 data-columns and applies to table B and A.

Many rows that cause this problem but many rows are moved in the desired form too, I have certified that the rows can not be inserted in Table B, their unique-key- Columns are valued, which are not present in Table B.

(For the purpose of the test I took out the obstacle from Table B but I still get the same error message, which makes me even more confused)

I believe What is the reason that this problem can be and some signals would be appreciated?

You get absolutely error information Unique index "UI_BSMZ" receives this unobtrusive announcement - it This is not about the foreign key from B. It is in some fields [S]

the query run on the source database on fields from the UK UIBSMID.

  SELECT UK_FIELD_1, UK_FIELD_2, .. from the TABLE_NAME group  

If a comparison of a query source database index Corrupted in - or if not -

some lines return - UK_FilD_1, / P>

to fix the index (after duplicate removal) - Run it: < / P>

  index index indicator active;  

This rebuilds your index
