Strip html tags in css tooltip -

I am trying to create a tooltip for my site that gets data from MySQL, everything works fine It shows the HTML tag but the data is stored in MySQL using tinense, so it has not been entered until it touches the tag, nor do I want it, but I want it to be a tooltip I want to strip in

This is my code and screenshot

Thanks in advance.

  .tooltip span {z-index: 10; display none; Padding: 8px 8px; Margin top: 23px; Width: 260px; Max-width: 260px; Maximum height: 260px; Webkit-boundary-radius: 8px; -image-radius: 8px; Range radius: 8px; Color: #ffffff; Hidden flurry; } .tooltip: hover span {display: inline; Status: Completed; Color: #ffffff; Background: # 2588b3; Text-decoration: none; } .tooltip: focus span {display: inline; Status: Completed; Color: #ffffff; Background: # 2588b3; Text-decoration: none; }  

Screenshot with text only

image description Enter

Screenshot with image and link

How can I touch images and links from Tooltip? I tried the text-decoration but she did not do anything.

Thanks once again.

Resolved its own modifier by writing:

It is a smart / plug-in Save as / modifier. Strip_tags_exclude.php (or in your custom plugin folder) function smarty_modifier_strip_tags_exclude () {

  $ parameter = func_get_args (); If (! Asset ($ paragraph [1])) {$ params [1] = true; } If ($ params [1] === true) {return preg_replace ('! & Gt; [^ & gt;] *? & Gt;!', '', $ Params [0]); } And {if (is_string ($ params [1])) {$ Acceptable_tag = strਟਰ ($ params [1], '[]', ' & gt;'); } Return strip_tags ($ params [0], $ acceptable_tags); }  


And then you can use it like this: {$ variable | Strip_tags_exclude: '

  • '}

    Or alternatively (some editors may be confused and you seem to be opening the tag): {$ variable | Strip_tags_exclude: '[a] [p] [ul] [li]'}

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