Installing specific CocoaPod - 'no such file' while processing pre-install hook -

I have installed the map with Mac OS X 10.9.1 coopoads, but I went into a link problem and the mapboxes Recommended that I downloaded directly from a tag in my collection Unfortunately, I can not get to load that tag.

Here is my podfile with my suggestion:

  Forums: ios, '7.0' pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.0 'Pod' Mapbox ',: git = & gt; 'Http: //' ,: tag = & gt; '1.1.0' pods' TWTSideMenuViewController ',' ~ & gt; 0.3 ' 

The cocopeod receives an error on the pod' MapBox 'line (see below). It does not seem to be able to find the directory I tried:

  • Attract a particular: It is committed to seeing that it was the tag (not)
  • Change directory names for alphabetical characters only (not supported)
  • Change the pod directory to allow writing by everyone (not help)
  • with sudo gem Restoring cocopodes, uninstalling Coca-Payode Install the Sudo Manic Cocopos (I got 0.29.0, but

Why can the pre-installed hook be unable to find that directory (or can?)?

The output from 'Pod' is 'Install':

  [!] An error occurred during the pre-installed hook processing of the map box (1.1.0). Such a file Or directory - / users / bob / document / InfoBridge / projects / infobridge_aboutmywoods-ios / beans / mapbox / users / bob / da Tavejh / InfoBridge / projects / infobridge_aboutmywoods-ios / beans / local Podspecs / Mapbox.podspec: 25: in `chdir '/ Users / bob / document / InfoBridge / projects / infobridge_aboutmywoods-ios / beans / local Podspecs / Mapbox.podspec: 25 : '/' Library / Ruby/Gems/2.0.0 /gems/cocoapods-core-0.29.0/lib/cocoapods-core/specification.rb:406:in 'Call' / Library in block (2 level) in `_eval_podspec /Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-core-0.29.0/lib/Cocopod-core / specification RB: 406: `Pre_Install! In ' `Run_spec_pre_install_hook' /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-0.29 /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-0.29.0/lib/cocoapods/installer.rb:489: In. 0 / lib / cocoapods / installer.rb: 464: in `run_pre_install_hooks' block /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-0.29.0/lib/cocoapods/installer.rb:462 (3 levels) : In 'each' run_pre_install_hooks, /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-0.29.0/lib/cocoapods/installer.rb: 462: In 'Block (2 level)' / Library / Ruby / Gemstones /2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-0.29.0/lib/cocoapods/installer.rb:460:in `Each '/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-0.29.0/lib/cocoapods/ Installer.rb: 460: `block run_pre_install_hooks' /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-0.29.0/lib/cocoapods/user_interface.rb: 113: In 'messages' in / Library / Ruby / Gems / 2.0.0 / gems / cocoapods-0.29.0 / lib / cocoapods / installer.rb: 459: `the run_pre_install_hooks' /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-0.29.0/lib/cocoapods /installer.rb:104:in 'Block in download_dependencies' / library / rabbi / games / 2 / 2.0 / gm / coco ods-0.29.0 / lib / cocoapods / user_interface.rb: 52: 'section' in / Library / Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/ gems / cocoapods-0.29.0 / lib / cocoapods / installer.rb: 101: in `Download_dependencies' / Library / Rabbi / games / 2 / 2.0.0 / g / Kokaopod .0.29.0 / lib / Kokaopod / Installer. RB: 87: 'Install! '' Rn_instol_vith_apdet '/laibreri/rubi/gems/2k0k0/gems/cokpods-0k29k0/lib/cokpods/kmmand/projektkrb:38:in /laibreri/rubi/gems/2k0k0/gems/cokpods - 0.29.0 / Lib / Cocopod / Command / Project RB: 68: 'Run' / Library / Rabbi / Games / 2 / 2.0.0 / Games / Clide 0-4.0 / Lib / Clade / Command. Run '/' Library / Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-0.29.0/lib/cocoapods/command.rb: 51: In` Run '/ Library / Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/ in RB1313 Gems / cocoapods -0.29.0 / bin / pod: 24: ` 

Thanks, Bob

If you previously uninstalled the mapbox This is the first of all. Then install it again.

  1. Extract or comment this line in the Podfile pod 'MapBox', '~ & gt; 1.1.0 '
  2. Run command pod install This will remove the mapbox and all dependencies.

  3. Insert the MapBack back into the PDF file pod 'MapBox', git = & gt; 'Http://' ,: Branch = & gt;

  4. / div>
