jquery - submit image without refresh page using ajax -

Hello everyone, I have a problem when I submit a form, other variables are submitted and inserted into the database But the image is not

This is my code ..

I want to submit my form with verification and also submit the image but it is not working. .

  & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Validate $ {Document} .ready (function () {$ ("# form2") ({Debug: wrong, rule: {ICDA: {required: true, max length: 30,}, iname: {expected: true, meanline : 5,}, Brand Name: {Required: true, Meanline: 5,}, BB: {requisite: true}}, Message: {ICD: {Required: "Please enter your location code", Maximum length: "Items Code 30 ",}, iname: {Required:" Please enter the name of the item ", minlength:" The item name should be at least 5 characters ",}, Brand Name: {Required:" Please enter brand name ", Minley Math: "Brand Name" is less than 5 characters ",}, BB: {Required:" Please upload image "}}} Submit Handler: Function (form) {$ .post ('item-exec.php', $ ( "#form2") HTML (warning ('station information added')) $ ('# result'). Html (window.open ('item.php', '_self'))})}}})}} ; & Lt; / script & gt;  
