php - Cherry Framework "Font Awesome" issue on secure site -

I am installing an eCommerce site using a theme purchased from the template monster. Child theme uses cherry framework as a parent theme.

I bought an SSL certificate and installed it on my server and it is redirecting all non-HTTPS requests to HTTPS via the .htaccess file.

All browsers are saying that the unsafe content is loading, and asks me if I want to proceed, the Cherry Framework Criminal, the font on the "HTTP" source is linked to the wonderful source.

  wp_enqueue_style ('font-awesome', ' 3.2.1 / css / font-amazing.css', incorrect,' 3.2 .1 ',' all ');  

That file fragment:

  Cerifremvrk / includes / theme scripts.php function cherry_stylesheets () {if (CURRENT_THEME! = 'Cherry' ) {if (file_exists (CHILD_DIR. '/main-style.css')) {wp_enqueue_style (CURRENT_THEME, CHILD_URL. '/main-style.css', invalid, void, 'all'); } If (file_exists (CHILD_DIR. '/includes/widgets/my-flickr-widget.php')) {wp_register_style ( 'prettyPhoto', PARENT_URL. '/ Css / prettyPhoto.css', false, '3.1.5' All' ); Wp_enqueue_style ('prettyPhoto'); }} Wp_enqueue_style ('font-awesome', '', false, '3.2.1', 'all') ; Wp_register_style ('huge-popup', PARENT_URL. '/ Css / magnific-popup.css', false, '0.9.3', 'all'); Wp_enqueue_style ('huge-popup'); } Add_action ('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'cherry_stylesheets');  

I have updated that line of code to point to the https code.

  wp_enqueue_style ( 'font-awesome', 'https: // netdna.', false,' 3.2 .1 ',' all ');  

I FTP the updated file on the server, and overwrites this file.

However, when I refresh the page, the source code shows that it is still linking the file to http source.

  & lt; Link rel = 'stylesheet' id = 'font-awesome-css' href =' http: // font-awesome / 3.2.1 / css / font-awesome.css? Ver = 3.2.1 'Type =' Text / CSS 'media =' All '/>  

I do not have any WordPress caching plugin installed. I've cleared my browser cache several times.

Anyone know why the updated file will not return the correct source code?

  & lt; Link rel = 'stylesheet' id = 'font-awesome-css' href =' https: // Ver = 3.2.1 'Type =' Text / CSS 'Media =' All '/>  

To fix this problem, you have two options that you use HTTPS You can update style references to or you can make a copy of the solution locally if you have a project that has problems accessing due to firewall restrictions.

Solution 1:

  1. Describe the font-terrible demise of the parent subject through your child theme functions.php file as outlined below.
  Work your password and style () (wp_deregister_style ( 'font-awesome'); Wp_enqueue_style ( 'font-awesome' , 'Https://', false,' 3.2.1 ',' all ');} Add_action (' wp_enqueue_scripts', ' YourScriptsAndStyles');  

Solution 2:

(Note: This locally makes font-awesome, copies, so any font-amazing updates in the future To apply, you will need to update your update

  1. awesome from fonts
  2. ZIP nick Take and download in your child theme
  3. Remove from awesome by font is given through the theme of your child's Php file.
  your coding style () {wp_deregister_style ( 'font-awesome'); Wp_enqueue_style ( 'font-awesome', get_stylesheet_directory_uri (). '/ font- awesome-4.0.3 / css / Font-awesome.css', false, '4.0.3', 'all');} Add_action ('wp_enqueue_scripts',' yourScriptsAndStyles');  
