I have trouble importing a module: it belongs to the directory ./ dao
and code He calls that he is ./ core
here. Represented as schematically:
rnaspace / __init__.py core / __init__.py logger.py claims / __init__.py storage_configuration_reader.py
This error is message:
traceback (most recent call final): file "logger.py", line 21, & lt; Module & gt; The rnaspace.dao.storage_configuration_reader import storage_configuration_reader ImportError: No module named rnaspace.dao.storage_configuration_reader
This file is There /rnaspace/dao/storage_configuration_reader.py
and In the same folder, the __init __ py
file is as follows:.
"" ""
< "package claims that plateform data access files gathers" / Pre>If I understood well, then he should act. I think the problem is that there is no subdirectory of another (or this is not the way most), there is a way to go around it? Or do I need to apply the solution?
__init __ of the rnaspace folder. Py
scr def update_conf (conf_path, predictors_conf_dir) imports as rnaspace.dao.storage_configuration_reader = "text">Import from storage_configuration_reader
it wrong is a "storage_configuration_reader" directory as "claims" directory
this is how it should be:
rnaspace.dao import
or like this:
import Not rnaspace.dao.storage_configuration_reader
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