I'm a stream encoding with mediastreamsegmenter (on OSX) and 15 about everything works fine Video 20 hours, then puts the stream becomes ineffective all I Sijij for VOD purposes I am using to try to play it back in your application on an iPad as well as Safari on the iPad (AVPlayer) - both (Tried various iPads) failed: AVPlayer plays first few frames then Closes and Safari says, "Operation could not be completed" .M3u8 looks fine playlists, no problem, I have the same stream (an MP4 file) using Ffpeepiaipi is also created, which plays exactly the file
Here's a .m3u8 file example:
# EXTM3U # EXT- X TARGETDURATION: 1 # EXT- X-version: 3 # EXT- X media -SEQUENCE: 0 # EXT- X-playlist-type event #akstinf: 0.9 6763, #akstinf Segm_st0kts: 0.9 6763, #akstinf Segm_stlkts: 0.9 6763, #akstinf Segm_st2kts: 0.9 6763, #akstinf Segm_st3kts : 0.9 6,763, segm_st4.ts
This order I HLS Stree 'm used to:
$ mediastreamsegmenter -p T 1s S1 - B segm_st I list.m3u8 -f ~ / live / video
I also tried to play it back in Safari on Mac OS X (Mavericks) - works fine. Does anyone know the solution / action of this problem?
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