I keep this error when I try to connect to the database.
This is my ready statement
string sql = "select * fade '?` Homemog' = '?' "; Preparation of prepared space; Prepst = con.prepareStatement (SQL); Prepst.setString (. 1, box1.getSelectedItem () toString ()); Prepst.setString (.2, box1.getSelectedItem () toString ()); Rs = prepst.executeQuery ();
Why does anyone get this error?
I think your problem is in the '
and `` symbols SQL should be corrected as follwing:
string sql = "select * from where home home =?";
Although I'm not sure that the parameter placeholder ? Supported after
from to
. Therefore, you must retain it yourself, ex:
string table = box 1.get from the linked item (). ToString (); String sql = "SELECT * FROM" + table + "WHERE homeTam =?";
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