I currently have a solutuion with two projects.
Now I have an AC # form project that uses a domain project.
When I call quickly from domain forms, I get the following error:
Additional information: ADO. No entity framework provider was found with the irreversible name 'System.Data.SqlClient' for the Net Provider. Ensure that the provider has been registered in the 'entry formwork' section of the application config file. See for more information.
Do I need to install EF on the project?
My domain project has a square:
/// & lt; Summary & gt; /// All service history provides the database in relation to requests requests /// & lt; / Summary & gt; Public Category EFServiceStatusHistoryRepository {Public Zero SubmitEntry (Int ServiceId, String Status, String Message, Last Time Date) {try {ServiceStatusHistory tmp = new ServiceStatusHistory (); (Using var db = new EFDbContext ()) {tmp.Service = db.Services.Find (ServiceId); Tmp.Status = (ServiceStatus) Enum.Parse (typeof (ServiceStatus), position); Tmp.SetMessages (message); Tmp.time = DateTime.Now; Tmp.LastUpdateTime = Last Update; Db.ServiceStatusHistory.Add (tmp); Db.SaveChanges (); }} Hold {}}}
and then I'll call it in the form project:
EFServiceStatusHistoryRepository service = New EFServiceStatusHistoryRepository (); Service.SubmitEntry (bla, bla, bla);
I understand that only the DOMAIN project requires EF installs. As I called the function, all the EF functions in that project and then gives the list of the project project?
I think that you do since EF6; The other answer to the same question indicates the same conclusion.