math - Combinations of letters -

Sorry for the bad english, its translation is.

In how many ways can the letter "ABCDE" be set together 1, 2, 2 characters?

On accepting my calculations, the answer is 30. But I'm not sure ...

Thank you!

Your problem is equivalent to drawing together the letters of the 2 pairs, which is equal to the number of serials Number of modules numbered sequences of pairs of numbers.

In this way you have (5 choose 2). (3 choose 2) / 2 = 10 * 3/2 = 15 .


  a-bc-de b-ac-de c -a-d-d-ab-ce e-ab-cd a-bd -CE-B-Aid-CEC-Ed-Well D-AC-B E-AC-BD A-B-CD-B-A-CD-CA-BD D-AE-BC E-AD-BC  

Another way to see that is to design your 5 slots with slots for 5 positions to specify 5 different identifiable items as your problem is to conceptualize the number of their posts Is being reputed from And equivalent to the equivalent positions of a slot: 5! / (2! * 2! * 2!) .
