ruby on rails 3.2 - Google Book API + While searching only show 10 books - How to increase those count -

In my project, I am trying to display Google books using the Google Book API, but the issue That's the API only 10 books on time.

At least, when searching, I need 50 books but I am not able to get 50 books. Output received:  
  {"Type": "Books #Version", "Total Rectangles" : 861, "item": []}  

indicates that total items = 861 were searched but only 10 showed.

Any suggestions please

While suddenly searching, I found an important issue and I got the answer.

According to the requirement, Code> & MaxResults

But Google added a condition when searching about the list of books, i.e. the maximum result should be less than 40

  "Message": "Invalid value '41' 'should be within the value range: [0, 40]",  
