How to insert data into objects iterated by Yii CActiveDataProvider -

I have a strange request and I'm not sure that there is no better way than just brutal power, but I have to do a CActiveDataProvider Is being provided and the virtual properties of the underlying model are being used.

I would like to be able to filter additional information that model calculates those virtual properties.

For example, suppose a virtual property method is getCreated_Widget_Count () which gives the number of widgets that the unit (assuming it is a widget maker) made it its lifetime.

I would like to be able to filter the count on a specific date range.

So I want to create a CdVdata software and use it in CListView to display each element, and the view created property is created_widget_count but I want that, sometimes, based on a date range Limit the result to a number.

The obvious point to doing this is that the whole data is duplicated on the set and sets the boundaries for filtering in each object, but I was hoping to give information to the CActiveDataProvider There was a method that could get in every constructor so that they could be built.

Any thoughts?
