ios - UIPageViewController to Force reload ChildView controller -

I have a slider in the root UIPAGE VUIU controller, which needs to see the value of the slider to see the controller. Except for already loaded, works for the second child's visual controller!

I have the slider in the rootview for the slider value I have said -

  - (zero) slider value change: (UISlider *) slider {fontValue = slider.value ; DetailsView * DataviewController = [Self ViewerAuthenticatorAntx: self News Industry Storyboard: Self. Storyboard]; [DataViewController RefreshVoiceFontsSizeSlider.VWA]; }  

I have general methods of UIPageViewController that works fine. The problem is that only after the ViewDid load method the child is called in ViewControllers

  - (DetailsVC *) viewControllerAtIndex: (NSUInteger) Index Storyboard: (UIStoryboard *) Storyboard {/ / Return data index controller for the given index (([[self page count count]] == 0 ({index> gt; self.pageContent count)) {return zero; } DetailsVC * DataviewConverter = [[Details] Inward]; DataViewController.fontValue = fontValue; Return Data ViewController; }  

Finally found a solution

  DetailsVC * DataViewController = [View Yourself ControlledIndex: Current Index-1 Storyboard: Self. Storyboard]; DataViewController.textColor = textColor; NSArray * viewControllers = @ [dataViewController]; [Self. Page Views Controller SetView Controller: Visual Controller Direction: UIPAZ Controller FeaturesExecutedAuthor: Not Complete: Zero];  

The correct way to reload the controller for the child is to get it through the set vs. controllers: direction: animated: complete:

/ P>

If someone requires an example project, then I'll call it

uploaded here.
