web services - websphere 8.5.5 jaxws-rt: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.sun.xml.ws.spi.ProviderImpl -
I would like to migrate my ears project from JBoss to WebSphere 8.5.5.
Use my web service (I jax-ws) is correctly positioned and I can call it with no errors, but when I try to apply an external Web service , I get the following error
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com .sun.xml.ws.spi.ProviderImpl java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize (J9VMInternals.java:176) to ( initialization failure) on java.lang.J9VMInternals.newInstanceImpl (Native method) at (javax.xml.ws.spi.FactoryFinder.find (FactoryFinder.java:95) on javax.xml.ws on java.lang.Class.newInstance Javax.xml.ws.spi.FactoryFinder.newInstance (FactoryFinder.java36) w Class.java:1564) .spi.Provider.provider (Provider.java:82) on javax.xml.ws.Service. & Lt; Init & gt; (Service.java:56)
jaxws-RT is in the web -INF / lib directory, and I can use other classes from that library. ... I tried to do it with a simple one.
Claskforname ( "Comksunkkmlkvskclosible") Getprotekshndoman () Getkdesurs () Getloksn () Getpath () /opt/IBM/WAS8.5_1/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01_1/installedApps/svr04Cell02_1/MyEar.ear/MyWebService: Code> Which gives the expected path. War / WEB-INF / lib / jaxws-RT-2.1.4.jar
That means jaxws- RT in my classpath. So, why can not I see the ProviderImpl class?
Thanks in advance
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