android - is it possible to impliment expandablelistview in which each child has different item/layouts -
First of all, I'm new to programming. Is it possible to create custom expandable lists in each child in different layouts? If so, please help me!
There are three parents, each has a text view and a switch.
The first parent has a child:
- Text view
- the sybarber
li> < / Ol>
Please check this Photoshop Mockup, which I want to rededicate:
- Do I have three different XML for each child, or the adapter that plays the role?
- If this is not possible with the expandable list, how can I apply it?
- Any suggestions to guide, tutorial appreciated. You can do this in a custom adapter but you have to create related layouts.
switch (grouppost) {case 0: convertView = inflater.inflate (R.layout.group1, null); break; Case 1: ConvertView = InfluenFlat (R.Lyout.2 group 2, blank); break; }
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