mvc - Blog engine and Cloud Service integration -

I do not know that this is the right way to explain but this is the scenario.

I created a portal site [code> [ASP Net MVC 4] and posted as a cloud service on windows blue comes business person now And says that I have to write to promote the blog so that I have a word press or any blog engine site hosted for it .

The problem comes here, how can I do this blog / some blog starts here ?

By custom domain and redirection, I can not get it [not sure]

The only way I see it is. Write an RET service to talk to the blog database, create a field in the project 'Blog' and display content

You can host blogs in a subdirectory If Windows Azas allows PHP installs. It's your web. Config file requires additional configuration so that your application can not stop working on the requests of / blog /
