I'm beginning to start with DrawingML, I'm trying to figure out that I I can define it, save it in some format, and import it directly into the Word document into a drawing canvas.
The motivation behind this is to make users able to save an on-line file as a file and import it into a canvas inside the Word document. The graph nodes should be connected so that when a node is drawn, this connector will also be in the mode. I understand that drawing using such a drawing is possible but I am not sure how to import such a drawing into a document.
You can create a flat OPC XML file containing your drawing mL.
Then you can open it in your docs in Word. You can do that using VBA (macro), or VSTO (word add-in).
For more information on flat OPC XML, see
See also by using flat OPC XML Range.InsertXml
VSTO is a net thing. Generally you have C # or VB You could use Microsoft's Open XML SDK as needed, so Java generally does not have a role. I have said that, I know about companies that are committed to the Java server and there Use docx4j, and want to use the same technique client side, and therefore use the IOCVM DOCX as DOLX. In this context, it could be how you make your drawing (i.e. using jaasb), then produce flap opc xml.
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