I should count how many men were working every hour I have two tables:
hour of men ------------ 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 10 10 11 12 12
Where So in the second table For each entry, I need to increase increment in the table between those Extra Status: This will be part of a table-valued function. Thank you in advance for your help. "man" / Code> column men's count is another table:
ClockedInHour ClockedOutHour 6 10 7 10 8 12 6 11 9 12
and "ClockedOutHour"
In the first table Modes Each hour "I"
column, and, if possible, to do it without the cursor.
announcement @ bell INT SET @ hour6 = (SELECT COUNT (*) FROM @ table2 where ClockedOutHour> = 6 and ClockedInHour & lt; = 6) where ClockedOutHour & gt table2 @ hour7 INT set @ hour7 = (select COUNT (*) bukhan = 7 and ClockedInHour <= 7) Announcement @ Hour8 INT set @ Hour8 = (SELECT COUNT (*) @ table2 where ClockedOutHour> = 8 and ClockedI NHour & lt; = 8) Where ClockOutHour & gt table2 @ Hour9 INT set @ hour9 = (COUNT select (*) Sill = 9 and ClockedInHour & lt; = 9) Announcement @ hour10 INT set @ hour10 = (COUNT of Select (*) from @ table2 where ClockedOutHour> = 10 and ClockedInHour & lt; = 11 and ClockedInHour & lt; = 11) announcement @ hour12 INT = 10) table2 where ClockedOutHour & gt @ announcement @ Hour11 INT set @ Hour11 = ( Select COUNT (*) set @ hour12 = (COUNT select (*) @tc where ClockedOutHour> = 12 and ClockedInHour & lt; = 12) Update @ table1 Set Man = @ Hour6 Where time = 6 update @ Table1 set man = @ hour7 where time = 7 update @ table1 set man = @ hour8 where time = 8 update @ table1 set man = @ hour9 where time = 9 update @ table1 set man = @ hour10 where time = 10 update @ table1 Set Man = @ Hour11 Where Time = 11 Update @ Table 1 SET Man = @ Hours 12 Where Hours = 12
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