I'm trying to change a what is needed to do this, The source is changing. Change the source of code> IFrame IFrame
twice with the click of a link. Uncaught TypeError :: I can not always get this error receiving the property's 'src' of the null whenever it is clicked on that link
on the index page, and then on a IFrame
page that was loaded in to the external IFrame
index page.
& lt; Div class = "topics list-group" target = "../../ body.html" & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Function doneLoading () {document.getElementById ('index.html # large-column') src = 'body.html'; } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; A href = "topic / english / course php" onclick = 'doneLoading ();' Target = 'topic' class = "list-group-item" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "badge" & gt; 26 & lt; / Span & gt; English & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Text after a
A cleaner approach will be used by iFrame targeting.
& lt; Iframe id = 'content' src = 'body-default.html' & gt; & Lt; A href = 'body-en.html' target = 'content' & gt; English & lt; / A & gt;
Body-dynamic.html or body-en.html files may be required to update themselves if necessary.
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