javascript - Rails 2.0.5 with AJAX form error -

The code below still does not work AJAX. How can I fix it? Using link_to_remote in my project is okay, but using AJAX form_remote_tag just does normally and does not work on Ajax. Please help me. I am using Rails 2.0.5 and Ruby 1.8.6.

prefix & lt; Table & gt; & lt; thead & gt; & lt; tr & gt; & gt; Targets & gt; Goal & lt; / or & gt; & lt; / tr & gt; & lt; / thead & gt; & Lt; tbody & gt; & gt; TR & gt; & lt; TD & gt; & lt;% = text_area_tag: Goal%> & lt; / td> & lt; / tr & gt; >

Resolve the error using the code given below because the Rail webmaster form_remote_tag. Then write Ajax code in javascript .

  & lt; script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("submitForm"). Submit (function () {$ .post (this.action , $ (This). Serialize (), null, "script"); return false;})}}; & lt; / script & gt;  
