html - css word wrapping alignment in a list -

I am creating a list to work in table form, I know that I do the same thing on a table , But the table is actually a bloat code. The thing is, if the text is too long then the next line 1 goes below the position of the cell spot, instead I have it 2 I want to align with the cell I'm stupid around the heights, and with width Shaw, and floats. But I can not seem to work it

Desired Look:

  / * 9 001 This is a long wrapping sentence. This is a long wrapping sentence. This sentence is with wrapping. This is a long wrapping sentence. 9002 Test Test Test 9003 I need this one table 9004 except that the tables blot your code. 9005 So I want to use CSS and lists. * /  

add display: table-cell True category:

  .right {display: table-cell; }  
