In my app I'm using the UI for several first screens, and then the OpenGL View Controller (Cocos 3D) I'm switching to. I show the status bar for UI view controllers, and then hide it before switching to OpenGL.
The strange thing is, whenever the app is played on the iPhone then it's all good, but the hidden status bar on the iPad starts and stop all the touches in your bound box.
I've found, that seems to be a bug of simulator with the same behavior, but I encounter it on real devices (iPhone and iPad real device).
If I openGL View Controller program without <> my
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM () == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
I have:
[[UIApplication shared app] setStatusBarHidden: no];
In addition, I'm targeting iOS 7.
I'm almost mad about this, does anyone have to face the same problem? How can I touch the status bar area?
Try entering this in the controller's m
- (BOOL) prefersStatusBarHidden {return yes; }
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