jquery - Include form name in serialize() -

Is there a way to include the name of the form in the jQuery serialize () function?

Just like in $ _POST:

  $ _ POST = ['key1' = & gt; 'Val1', 'key2' = & gt; 'Val2'];  

And I should be:

  $ _ POST = ['formName' = & gt; ['Key1' = & gt; 'Val 1', 'key2' = & gt; 'Wall 2']];  

"post-text" itemprop = "text">

You can assign it to your form By modifying:

  & lt; Input name = "formName [key1]" /> & Lt; Input name = "formName [key2]" />  

And so on ... PHP understands such names and they are multidimensional within $ _ POST

Turns arrays into
