matlab - Applying the command unique and lower on a variable -

I currently have a script in matlab which creates a cell array that holds all the conditions in a document, duplicate me To avoid the use of the unique and lower command on the variable. How can I put it in the variable? It can not work.

  MyList = []; For C = 1: Length (Docs) list = tokenize (Docs {C}, '., -'); Mylist = [Mylist; List];  

I am creating a new variable and used the unique and lowest on the current cell array.

  new list = unique (short (list));  

My last code

  My list = []; For C = 1: length (docs) list = tokenize (docs {c}, '., () "% - + /'); new list = unique (short (list)); my list = [my list; new List];  
