Mutt, send email without saving it to Sent folder -

I can send the mute an email with my own UI and save a copy.

  Mutate-S topic receiver  

This will bring the Matts interface for editing and sending mail. It will be uploaded to the IAPAP server first, and will send an email through the SMTP server. The headers have an FCC field

But when I use the pure command line to send mail, say:

  Mutate-S topic receiver & lt; Foo  

The mail has been successfully sent, but there is no copy in the sent folder of my server. I check the debug log, the mail is not uploaded to the IMAP server, only sent via SMTP server.

I tried to use my_HDR, but the FCC is not supported to set up.

FCC-hook is also tried

Did you enter a line Have tried

set record = + account name / sent

in your .muttrc? That is, where account name is the name of the email mailbox you are sending your account and sent to sent , e.g. what do I have. Muttrc is

set record = + mec07 / "sent items"

this command saves all the emails I send " Item "mailbox then my IMAP program saves him on the server.
