- Fallback for .NET content place holder? -

I am using net content place holders for some areas on my site. Most of the time they will use a user control for the content. Is there any way to specify "fallback" for any content place holder, if nothing is given from a content page? Place holders are located in my site. Master FYI

Thank you

This is exactly what & lt; Asp: ContentPlaceHolder & gt; Place your default content in the master page that was designed for the tag, if you do not override the placeholder in the original page, the default content is displayed eg.

Master page

  <% @ Master language = "C #"%> ... & lt; Asp: ContentPlaceHolder id = "MyPlaceHolder" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt ;! - Default content - & gt; & Lt; / ASP: ContentPlaceHolder & gt;       & gt; & Lt ;! - Override default content - & gt; & Lt; / ASP: Content & gt;  
