I am currently using a file on my Mac to drag on a server (bitbasket) repository from the file Looks like (this is a makefile
PUB_DIR = "/ path / to / my / related / files" server-bridge: @ssh - I Simply execute the system by calling server-bridge
in the terminal in the terminal. I \ n "" myusername @ server "cd $ {PUB_DIR}; git pull"
I would like to know how it is for windows Is it OK, can I call the function similar to my Mac using a command line tool?
Perhaps the easiest way to use the same script is to: msysgit comes with sigwin / msys, so that You can also execute a shell script there. Just burn a grip shell.
On the other hand is just to create a batch file (or PowerShell script), just be ready to add SSH along the way), but I think using the same script
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