How to customize the background color of selected of a Kendo UI Grid row -

I am a Candido UI novice in my asp.Net MVC application I use the Cando UI grid widget and to that grid Configure that user can select a grid line:

  $ ("# grid survey"). Canon Grid ({dataSource: {Type: "json", transport: {read: {url: "/ myController / GetItemList", ... selection: "line", change: function (e) {var entityGrid = $ (" # GridItems "). Data (" Kendo Grid "); _selectedItem = entityGrid.dataItem ( ());}, ...  

By default, when the user has a line , The selected row is top-illuminated with some of the built-in colors selected grid row. I would like to customize the background color of that selected row to reciprocal or any other color I like the color of the transparent background, please help. Thanks in advance.

 < Code> .k-grid .k-state-selected {background: blue;}  
