I have an entity type with two dates, start and end times:
Import Org .joda.time.DateTime; @ Antiti public class Thing {@ type ( "type =" org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime ") private Dettaim Startdet: @ type (type =" org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime ") Private Dinanktaim expiry date;}
I have extended this entity type Spring Data-JPA repositories (for startDate & lt; = now & lt; = endDate I said tried to "active", "active" one Jepiupiel query in this way, Lake This is not producing the desired results in some of our tests: I also tried a method-name-conference query, which I hope Generates results, but it is weird: I like my Then the service interface is clean, but the repo interface is ugly and weird (in my opinion). Is this a better way of creating a repository query method using JPA, either a better method-name-based query or a clear JPQL query? I would not want to create a query object manually in the code (I do not even have a solid square for the repository, only one interface), but if I believe this is the best way. CrudRepository
), and there I all
select @Query ( "Thing T where t.startDate & lt; = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and t.endDate & Gt; = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ") public Iterebl & lt; Thing & gt; findAllActive ();
public interchangeable
Public Iterbal & lt; Thing & gt; GetActiveThings () {DateTime now = DateTime.now (); Return repository.FindbistStateDate and First EndettEfter (now, now); }
You can just have the following:
@Query (" Select t that t from where t.startDate & lt; =: time and t.endDate> =: time ") public irrelevant & lt; Thing & gt; Search Active Content (@Param ("Time") Date Time);
Has the advantage of using only 1 parameter, but you also get permission to inquire later such as: "Give me a list of active things on January 24, 2011"
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