linux - What's the RedHat equivalent for Debian's apt-show-versions? -

My question is simple as the title of this post: What is the equivalent of RedHat Apt-show-versions of Debian command

  root @ debian: ~ # apt-show-versions apache2 apache2 / wheezy upgradeable 2.2.22-13 to 2.2.22-13 + Deb7u1  

As you can see, this command provides those fields: / to

Or, if the package has already been upgraded:

  & lt; PACKAGE_NAME & gt; / & LT; Package_ "released_for" & gt; & Lt; State (uptodetate) & gt; & Lt; Installed_version & gt;  

As I am searching for a path to reproduce that format with a RedHat tool, I tried to do something like this:

 rpm -qa --queryformat% {VERSION} From ???  

But some fields are missing from me.

Any ideas to do this?

Please try the yum command (). For example:

  yum info & lt; Package_name & gt;  

will show you information about package_name , such as the available updates in the repo given ()
