php string variables with foreach using gettext -

It seems that your text is the same way to use gettext:

  & Lt ;? Php echo _ ("my text"); ? & Gt;  

Of course, you can not add quotation marks only when you are using variables, since then the variable name will be output in a literal form, such as:

 < Code> & lt ;? Php echo _ ("$ myText") ;? & Gt;  

does not work.

In a related post, the answer indicates that you can not use the string variable, and you will need the code in the variable name, $ myText, in the poedit file itself. Of course, this is not optimal, but it can work.

Can not work, however, when you have a project loop that spreads a php variable which can be defined hundreds of times if you have:

  & lt ;? Php foreach ($ variable as $ variable) {echo $ variable; }? & Gt;  

and calculation ($ variable)> 100, or even 10, this solution will be prohibitive. Is there a better way ??

xzetext (or poedit ) Is a "static analyzer", which means that it does not run your code, it only finds all the _ () functions, and assumes that there is nothing in it to translate String for

So, if you do: _ ('hello, world')
then string hello, world

The code will expire in your .po file.

This is often a good thing, because it allows us to remove some redundancy in your translation files. If we have 3 planets, then we need four translation strings; For a hello, $ planet, , and one for every planet
If we want to add bye, $ planets , then we need to add only an additional translation string, and not 3.

Just to make sure that you understand that :-) Now, more specificity on the subject of your question:

You will need a hardcode variable name, $ MyText, only in poedit file Of course, this is not optimal, but it can work.

This will not work because all $ myText variables will solve the same translation string. I doubt this is what you want?

Where is your variable coming from? If they are from a database or third-party API, then you can see some different solutions, such as scanning your database for translation strings, or getting all the strings from the third-party API.
If you insert them, the string in the .po file will work fine by using _ ($ var) , because lookup is done automatically on runtime.

Another possible solution is to create your own function, let's call it the v_ () (variable for v). At runtime, this function reads the content of a .po file (or possibly a database, which is later converted to a .po file), and if String '

  function v _ ($ str) {global $ translation_mode;   If ($ translate_mode &! String_in_po_file ($ str)) insert_string_in_po_file ($ str); Return _ ($ str); }  

Because it is executed on run-time , we know the content of the string. In this example we use a $ translate_mode variable so this code has only the minimum overhead on the production machines.
