I'm trying to make something similar
& lt; Svg width = "12cm" height = "4 cm" view box = "0 1200 400" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version = "1.1" & gt; & Lt; Desc & gt; Example rect02 - rounded rectangle & lt; / Desc> & Lt ;! - Show canvas outline using the 'rect' element - & gt; & Lt; Rect x = "100" y = "100" width = "400" height = "200" rx = "50" fill = "green" /> & Lt; G conversion = "translation (700 210) rotate (-30)" & gt; & Lt; Rect x = "0" y = "0" width = "400" height = "200" Rx = "50" fill = "none" stroke = "purple" stroke-width = "30" /> & lt; / G> & Lt; / Svg & gt;
canvas = d 3.select ("body") .append ("svg") .attr ("width", 2600) .attr ("height" ("height", 200) .attr ( "X", 100) .attr ("y", 100)). ("Width", 400). RTAR ("width", 400). .attr ("rx", 50) .attr ("fill", "green") rect2 = canvas.append ("rect") .attr ("width", 400) .attr ("height", 200) .attr .attr ("fill", "none") .attr ("stroke width", 30) .attr ("x", 650) .attr ("y", 50) .attr ("rx", 50) Stroke "," indigo ") .append (" g ") .attr (" conversion "," translation (700 200) rotate (-30) ")
But the problem is" Rect2 "Indigo "It could not be found to rotate using" G "and instead got something like this.
In coffee and D3 New,
You & lt; G & gt;
element in the other rectangle and not vica versa thus
you need to first and then & lt; Rect & gt;
to that and
// ... rect2 = canvas.append ("g") .attr ("transform" , "Translation (700 200) rotate (-30)") .append ("rect" .attr ("y", 50) .attr ("rx", 50) .attr ("width", 400) .attr ( "Height", 200) .attr ("x", 650). ("Stroke", "indigo")
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